You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

- C.S. Lewis

A t the Center, we believe your therapeutic experience comes first, even on your first day. You are welcome to securely complete all introductory forms online. In just three simple steps, you can be paperwork-free. That way your first appointment is all about what matters most: your goals, your dreams, you.

The 3 Steps:

1) Our Online Intake Application

Our Online Intake

Our Online Intake requires approximately five minutes to complete, and includes your contact information, your health insurance information and a brief personal history.

2) Health Insurance ID Card Upload

Our ID Upload

If you did not upload the front and back of your Health Insurance ID Card during the Online Intake, you can do so in this secure portal that works with your smartphone, tablet and computer.

This step is not necessary if previously completed in the Online Intake.

3) Our Online Welcome Packet

Our Online Welcome Packet

Five final documents must be read and accepted to begin therapy: Policies & Procedures, Client's Rights & Responsibilities, HIPAA & PHI, Our Cancellation Policy and Consent & Acknowledgment.

These must be accepted, signed and dated, and usually take no more than five minutes to complete.

PDF Downloads

Our Intake Form and Welcome Packet are always available for download.

If you would like copies for your personal record, please click the appropriate buttons below.

If you would prefer to not complete the online forms available through our website, you are welcome to download, print and bring completed hard copies to the office on your first appointment. We are also glad to provide you with printed copies during your appointment, at your request.

What else to bring?

If you have completed all of the introductory steps above, you should be paperwork-free for your first appointment.

The powerful resources inside of you - an open heart, trust, the will to discover - will begin the therapeutic process in collaboration with your therapist.

To explore more, our directors shared a comprehensive discussion that includes tips on overcoming roadblocks, the essential elements of change and fundamental aspects concerning wholeness in A Garden in a Pocket 

Complete a Transaction

Submit a Copay or Related Remittance online today.

Supporting your healthcare matters most to us. To simplify the process of copay, deductible or other due payment, you can complete the transaction anyplace, anytime from your mobile device. No waiting for a statement and no lengthy checkout.

Access the Square Checkout

No sign-in or account required. You will leave the Center's website and be directed to the secure external website of Square.

 The secure checkout powered by Square accepts All Major Credit Cards, Health Savings Accounts and Google Pay.

Continue to Square

Access the Venmo Checkout

Account required. You will leave the Center's website and be directed to the secure external website of Venmo.

 The secure checkout powered by Venmo accepts All Major Credit Cards, Health Savings Accounts and checking accounts.

Continue to Venmo

Have a question? We are happy to walk you through any step.

Please feel free to call us at 412-241-8552 or email us through our  Secure Portal


The Center for Counseling Arts

Where the quality of care matters & counseling is an art